San Francisco

San Francisco

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Conservator

They call themselves conservators and fi-doo-she-aries,
They spend all the money then sell the house if you please.
Approved by the court, and they don't even care,
Taking advantage of the elderly, it's really not fair.
The attorneys are worse if you can believe that,
You know hogs get slaughtered and pigs just get fat.
Isolation and medication, just slip them a pill,
They take the helpless prisoner against their will.

Filing their petitions and sometimes a motion,
Always in the courtroom causing commotion.

So easy for them to fool their clients you see,
Stealing and lying comes to them so naturally.

They are heartless and driven by greed it's true,
I hope and pray that this never happens to you!

Dedicated to
 Elizabeth A. Adler, Adler Fiduciary Services
Herb Thomas, Herb Thomas and Associates

Both Ms. Adler and Mr. Thomas are professional conservators
as well as fiduciaries currently stealing from the elderly and
destroying families all over the Bay Area including mine.