San Francisco

San Francisco

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Noni was a quilter.

One of the quilts she made was in memory of my Great Grandmother's passion for canning.  It contains 9 squares of beautiful jars made to resemble canning jars.  My Great Grandmother (Big Noni) made the best brandided cherries.  One was enough!

Two quilts hung by my Grandmother's bedside at the nursing home.  The canning quilt which my Grandmother wanted Jamie to have and an Amish quilt I purchased for Noni while I was in Pennsylvania several years ago.

After Noni's death today, I was told the conservator would not allow me to take the quilts.  As I was leaving, the head nurse was on the phone with the conservator's assistant.  I asked permission to speak with the conservator's assistant and proceeded to follow my attorney's advice and then left the nursing home with the two quilts.