San Francisco

San Francisco

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Probate Poem

Don't you want to know my final goal?
It's to recover all the property you stole.

Your delay tactics in court have shown,
For your sins you will have to atone.

You know, God is looking down on you,
I'm the messenger to insure you're thru.

Your deal with the devil is coming to an end,
An eternity in Hell you all will spend.

Your sense of entitlement is quite absurd,
And my story will very soon be heard.

So, Tom's goal is to sell the house,
That brother of mine is sure a louse!

Noni told her young granddaughter,
Pigs get fat and hogs they'll slaughter.

Will end this here with just one thought,
Not all your victims can be bought.