San Francisco

San Francisco

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Truth Comes Out

Since September of 2009, Herb Thomas has told me that "the family" does not want me around my Grandmother, and that "the family" told him this and that "the family" told him that.  Well, over the last few days I have learned that "the family" Mr. Herb Thomas referred to was one person.  Thomas Charles DeMartini.  The one and only.  The grandson that was never a part of my Grandmother's life.  The same Thomas Charles DeMartini that could never be bothered with my Grandmother and Grandfather.  The one that has shut my Uncle out of my Grandmother's life for the past 18 months.  The disloyal, greedy brother that up until 18 months ago I truly believed was the one person I could trust.  I cannot imagine a hurt more painful than the one he has inflicted on my family.  The disloyalty, lies and betrayal are shocking.  I NEVER imagined he could hurt me like this.

But this blog entry is not about my greedy, selfish brother.  It is about the conservator that  my Uncle and I agreed to have appointed because we were told he was our ally and friend.  His attorney, Elvira Orly, told me that he would be our savior.  He would be the one that would neutralize Elizabeth Adler and Larry Siracusa.

Surprise, surprise, surprise.  When Herb Thomas was appointed in September of 2009 as Conservator of the Person, Larry Siracusa represented Mr. Thomas in other conservator cases.  Herbert and Elizabeth were co-conservators on other cases.  Either Ms. Orly is a convincing liar or she is clueless.  Herb Thomas never intended to be our ally.  He failed.  He has not done his job.  He doesn't care about what is in the best interest of my Grandmother.  If he did, there is NO way he would have placed her in this nursing home to die.

And, that "family" that Mr. Herb Thomas always referred to....they don't exist!  Not one person showed up today to see Noni!