San Francisco

San Francisco

Friday, April 15, 2011

Well, Herb Thomas, really out did himself this time.  Below is a copy of an email I sent to him early this morning.


Mr. Thomas,

There were NO family members there today.  Not one, and it was her birthday.   I left at 7:10pm.

Are you saying I cannot go to the nursing home tomorrow because a family member just might happen to show up?  Sorry Herb, I am going to see my Grandmother tomorrow if she is still alive.

You have overstepped your boundaries for the last time.  You have believed the wrong people and made decisions that have adversely effected me and my relationship with my Grandmother.   You have been unfair and have made very poor decisions.  Time and time again you have attempted to intimidate me and embarrass me. You don't know me.  You have no clue about the bond between my Grandmother and I.  Too bad for you.  No judge or jury would ever agree with the way you have treated me especially when the truth comes out.  You have had absolutely no valid reason or any factual basis to do what you have done to both me and my Grandmother.

You have kept me from seeing my Grandmother based on the petty gossip of people that never even visited my Grandmother prior to her illness. The fact that you are trying to keep me from seeing my Grandmother when she is dying is probably one of the most cruel and hurtful things I have ever heard of.

I am going to the nursing home tomorrow and will leave the room if a family member happens to stop by.  Believe me, I want nothing to do with them either.

Do NOT contact me again.
Lori DeMartini

This email was in response to Mr. Herb Adler's attempt to keep me from seeing my Grandmother.  They took her stomach tube out yesterday, and it is just a matter of time now.  I did not want her to die alone and he actually contacted the nursing home and tried to limit my time with her.

I am at the nursing home now and am not leaving until she does!

Fuck you, Herb Thomas!  Someone told me it was okay to say that.

I am so sad to learn that people like him walk this earth!

You can't fix stupid!  Stupid is FOREVER!  - Ron White