San Francisco

San Francisco

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Larry Siracusa copied me on an email by mistake and here is my response..

Hello Larry,

Thank you for sending me a copy of an email that obviously was not intended for me.  For the record, I copied all concerned based on the precedence you set.  Did not want anyone to be left out!

You are a joke, Larry.  Please refer to your email of August 21, 2009 in which you worked out a settlement agreement with Tom Huster based on my agreement to participate in mediation.  In your email, you stated that all litigation would stop if I agreed to mediation.  Remember?  If not, I would be so happy to forward you a copy.

I reviewed the Conservator's Handbook that is on the SF Superior Court website and could not find anything that suggested that you and your client should be involved in funeral preparations.  Once again, you have overstepped your boundaries for billable hours.

If I missed it, please point me to the section that addresses the Conservator of the Estate deciding who chooses burial clothes and keep in mind that my brother never had the time to visit with my Grandmother.

I believe that this is just another ploy to keep me out of the house.  I am sure you advised your client to do a complete inventory of the belongings in the house when she was appointed.  Being the ultimate professional you are, I am sure you advised her to take pictures as well as doing periodic walk throughs since there were unlicensed caregivers in the home.

If not, I did do a complete inventory and took pictures before I left.  Let me know if you need copies.

As far as dressing my Grandmother for burial, my brother, Tom, allowed his girlfriend, the felon, to dress my Grandmother in Ed Hardy and Billabong while she lived in Millbrae.  Hopefully, my 99 year old Grandmother will not be decked out in Ed Hardy at the funeral.  I really do not think that would be appropriate.  Do you?

As I mentioned previously, please take a look at your August 2009 email.

How do you live with yourself, Larry?

I will be purchasing a dress for my Grandmother's burial because I am certain that whatever Kristine Wright chooses will be unacceptable.  Did you know that she purchased clothes for her mother and billed them to the Trust?  She then gave my Grandmother her mother's hand me downs!

You do not scare me and you do not intimidate me.  I will do everything in my power to stop the abuse you and your colleagues call a living.

Finally, my brother has decided that he is not going to fly my nephew into San Francisco for the funeral.  I would like to request that the Trust pay for my nephew's plane ticket since this is what my Grandmother would have wanted!

P.S.  Did you get my email regarding scheduling the next hearing on the 11th rather than the 10th of May?  My Dad died on the 11th.

P.S.S.  You should never end a sentence with "that"!