San Francisco

San Francisco

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Give Them Enough Rope, and They Will Hang Themselves

On July 21, 2011, The Conservator, Elizabeth Adler, filed the following:


After taking the time to review the latest "Declaration" filed by The Conservator, Elizabeth Adler, I have prepared a lie by lie, line by line, recap of her Declaration for your review....

First Lie:  Property must be sold to satisfy obligations of the Trust.
Thus far, everything presented to the Court is based on the allegations of Adler and her attorneys.  It has not been decided whether these actions were brought forward in the best interest of the trust.  The Trust has no obligations to Adler until she proves that she brought this action to benefit the Trust.

Second Lie:  Cash on Hand.  Since Adler has never submitted original bank statements, her representation of  cash on hand is presumed to be a lie.

Third Lie:  Adler states that Bruce Feder as "Court appointed Counsel" has a petition pending for $23,000 in attorney fees.  Bruce Feder was never appointed by the Court, however, a fraudulent court document has now surfaced.  Further, the court has not approved Feder's fees.  What exactly did Bruce Feder do to accumulate $23,000 in fees, Elizabeth, The Conservator?

Fourth Lie:  Emilie Calhoun has $72,000 in fees and costs.  In reality Emilie Calhoun has asked for fees in excess of $80,000.  Further, Emilie Calhoun, Thomas DeMartini's attorney, has attempted to bill the Trust for her services to Elizabeth Alder.  Also, why would Lori DeMartini pay for Tom DeMartini's legal fees in a case that was dismissed....innocent!  Case closed.  Nice try, Calhoun. 

Fifth Lie:    Adler claims that Lori owes $69,000 to Tom Huster her former attorney.  Lori owes $69,000 less the amount already paid.  Do the math Liz?

Sixth Lie:   "Adler states that there are additional costs of the pending financial abuse litigation to consider as well as ongoing fees......"  In October of 2009, this case was settled during court ordered mediation.  Adler brought the exact same case against Lori DeMartini 7 weeks later.  The mere thought that Adler has been defending the Trust is a joke.

Seventh LieAdler states:  "Simply put, there is just not enough personal property to satisfy the debts of the Trust."  According to Alder, there are $268,169.35 in liquid assets.  Since Adler has managed this Trust from July 2009 through present, she has spent or is attempting to spend $452,931 of the Trust's assets for her and her attorney's fees.  These ridiculous fees do not even include the $10,000 per month Elizabeth Adler paid for my Grandmother's substandard, unlicensed care over a 25 month period which is another $250,000.

Why hasn't Elizabeth Adler reported what was in the Trust before she began her mismanagement of trust funds?

I have given you examples of the lies contained in just 1 1/2 pages of Adler's 22 page Declaration...through numbers 3 of 11.  I will continue, in another blog, to pick apart The Conservator Elizabeth Adler's latest misrepresentation of reality that was filed on July 21, 2011, however, it is clear what she has done.  Everything Elizabeth Adler has done since July 2009 has only benefited the Conservator and her minions.  Nothing has benefited Catherine R. DeMartini, her Trust or the intended beneficiaries.

Every time Elizabeth Adler, the Conservator, files a Declaration she does so under Penalty of Perjury...

"I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing to true and correct."

What is the penalty for perjury under the laws of the State of California?

Is one lie one penalty?  Or is it on a document by document basis?  Hopefully, for The Conservator it is based on a total document of lies rather than lie by lie.  If not, she has perjured herself thousands of times.