San Francisco

San Francisco

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Conflict of Interest Revisited

So, the judge decides that my uncle and I have conflicting interests.  Well, we do not have conflicting interests yet the judge decides that our attorney needs to be disqualified nonetheless.  For the record, she stated that her decision was made even though I have never even had a trial.  I thought there was something called the United States Constitution...the Bill of Rights...supposedly it protects Americans against such arbitrary decisions by judges.

What I have been struggling with for the last three days is how the judge could rule on an imaginary conflict of interest between my uncle and I when she faces real conflicts of interest on a daily basis in her courtroom.  Below you will find just a few examples of those real conflicts:

PCN-11-294216:  Witherspoon & Siracusa for the Conservator; Brian McCaffrey for the Conservatee

PCN-06-289093:  Witherspoon & Siracusa for the Conservatee; Kato, Feder Sizuki for the Conservator

PCN-08-290878:  Witherspoon & Siracusa for the Conservatee AND the Conservator!

PTR-09-292513:  Witherspoon & Siracusa for both Conservators and Kato, Feder Sizuki for the Conservatee and Brian McCaffrey for the Conservator of the Estate!

PCN-06-289486:  Witherspoon & Siracusa for the Petitioner and Witherspoon & Siracusa for the Objector

PCN-09-292959:  Christine Witherspoon for the Conservator; Bruce Feder for the Conservatee

Okay.  Just one more.

PCN-09-292988:  Bruce Feder for the Conservator; Witherspoon and Siracusa for the Conservatee

As I said, these were just a few examples of the real conflicts that play out in San Francisco's probate court EVERY DAY!  No need to create imaginary conflicts!