July 3, 2008: Exparte order waiving notice and to file documents in confidential file. Filed by Elizabeth Adler.
September 3, 2008: Probate exparte application for order waiving notice to conservatees spouse and to file documents in confidential file. Filed by Elizabeth Adler.
January 16, 2009: Probate exparte order application for order waiving notice to Caridad Vallangca Walsh and to file documents in confidential file. Filed by Elizabeth Adler.
Why all the secrecy? Why was Mrs. Walsh intentionally kept in the dark by means of exparte orders waiving notice and confidential files?
As I searched the San Francisco Superior Court database for information regarding Caridad Vallangca Walsh, I found the following:
There are no cases for Caridad
Vallangca Walsh available for public view.
What about the 10 year restraining order Ms. Adler orchestrated prohibiting Mr. and Mrs. Walsh from ever seeing one another again? Why isn't it available
for public view?
Below is an excerpt from an article found on examiner.com written by Albert Samaha...
The Conservator's Handbook published by the California Superior Court states that a "Conservatee has the right to marry."